With Hurricane Season upon us it is always good to have your plan of action and checklist in place! Those of us who endured the 2004 Season of Hurricane's along the Space Coast, we remember all too well that Hurricane Season is not all about Hurricane Parties and being prepared is key. Here are a few pointers to get you started.

Know your Evacuation Route

If you need to leave, have your plan ready to go. How many people? Animals? Food for the road, games to occupy the kiddies and plenty of gas because you will not be alone in your travels. Many travelers head away for the storm so make sure to be patient and drive safe. Here is the Evacuation Route for Brevard County.

Emergency Supplies

  • Don't wait for the last minute to get these supplies! Most of these items you can get and store well in advance!
  • We recommend having a tote that you can store with Hurricane Supplies such as flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, medications and copies of your critical paperwork.
  • Adding ziploc baggies, canned food, etc so it is ready in case a storm comes near. You will already have important supplies ready to go.

Around the home, getting prepared

  • Remove anything around your yard that can become a flying projectile. This includes those lawn chairs, garbage cans, recycling bins, etc. Bring those inside the garage.
  • If you are staying home
  • Be prepared to lose your power. Having an emergency radio and flashlight along with games to keep you occupied through the storm and possibly a couple days afterwards is always good to have.
  • Make sure you have an emergency communication plan set up for your family.
  • Don't forget to charge up those cell phones and those extra battery packs and have 3 days food & water supply for family and pet members. (Don't forget to have your manual can opener ready).
  • Be sure to know where your nearest Shelter is in Brevard County in case the Storm becomes too much.
  • Use your ziploc baggies and tupperware and fill them with water and put them in your freezer. This will give you additional water if needed as well as help keep those refrigerated items colder for a little longer.
  • Turn your fridge and freezer to the coldest setting once you know a storm is coming and keep the doors closed as much as possible so that food will last longer if the power goes out.
  • Fill up your cars gas tank along with additional gas if you can. This will help avoid those long lines just before or after the storms as well as help with your generator if you have one.
  • Get extra cash... when the power goes out so does the ability to get cash from ATM's or pay for anything via credit card.


Do you have additional hacks?  We would love to hear them and add them to our list!